







  • 王军武
  • 研究员
  • 北京市海淀区中关村北二条1号


王军武,博士,研究员,博士生导师。本硕博分别毕业于浙江工业大学、天津大学和中国科学院过程工程研究所、2008年到2010年在荷兰屯特大学J.A.M. Kuipers教授课题组做博士后。获国家自然科学基金委“优秀青年科学基金”资助(2014年)和SABIC-CAS导师科研奖(2016年)。现任多相复杂系统国家重点实验室副主任(2015年起)、中国颗粒学会流态化专业委员会秘书长(2014年起)、中国颗粒学会第三届青年理事会副主任(2018年起)和中国化工学会过程模拟与仿真专业委员会委员(2017年起)。任Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SCI)、International Journal of Chemical Engineering、《过程工程学报》和《中国粉体技术》编委、本领域核心国际会议Fluidization XV (2016)国际科学委员会委员、第九届全国流态化会议暨颗粒技术会议指导委员会委员(2017年)、第八届世界颗粒技术大会领域主席(2018年)和Fluidization XVI (2019)技术主席。已在Chemical Engineering Science, AIChE Journal等期刊发表SCI收录论文50多篇。研究工作获得了国家自然科学基金、中国科学院战略先导专项等项目的支持。主要研究兴趣包括流态化技术、多相流、多尺度模拟、介科学、离散-连续动态多尺度方法、连续介质力学和非平衡态统计力学。


1. Xizhong Chen, Junwu Wang*, Mesoscale-structure-based dynamic multiscale method for gas-solid flow, Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 192: 864-881.

2. Bidan Zhao, Junwu Wang*, Unification of particle velocity distribution functions in gas-solid flow, Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 177: 333–339.

3. Lingfeng Zhou, Junwu Wang*, Wei Ge, Shiwen Liu, Jianhua Chen, Ji Xu, Limin Wang, Feiguo Chen, Ning Yang, Rongtao Zhou, Lin Zhang, Qi Chang, Philippe Ricoux, Alvaro Fernandez, Quantifying growth and breakage of agglomerates in fluid-particle flow using discrete particle method, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 26: 914-921.

4. Xizhong Chen, Junwu Wang*, Dynamic multiscale method for gas-solid flow via spatiotemporal coupling of two-fluid model and discrete particle model, AIChE Journal, 2017, 63(9): 3681-3691.

5. Bidan Zhao, Jing Wang, Junwu Wang*, An entropy criterion for the validity of Navier-Stokes order continuum theory for gas-solid flow: Kinetic theory analysis,Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 172: 297-309.

6. Junwu Wang*, Effect of granular temperature and solid concentration fluctuation on the gas-solid drag force: A CFD test, Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 2017, 168: 11-14.

7. Yong Zhang, Yuemin Zhao, Liqiang Lu, Wei Ge, Junwu Wang*, Chenlong Duan*, Assessment of polydisperse drag models for the size segregation in a bubbling fluidized bed using discrete particle method, Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 160: 106-112.

8. Xizhong Chen, Junwu Wang*, Jinghai Li, Multiscale modeling of rapid granular flow with a hybrid discrete-continuum method, Powder Technology, 2016, 304: 177-185 (Special issue for Particle2015).

9. Bidan Zhao, Shuyue Li, Junwu Wang*, Generalized Boltzmann kinetic theory for EMMS-based two-fluid model, Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 156: 44-55.

10. Junwu Wang*, Bidan Zhao, Jinghai Li, Toward a mesoscale-structure-based kinetic theory for heterogeneous gas-solid flow: Particle velocity distribution function, AIChE Journal, 2016, 62(8): 2649-2657.

11. Zhan Shu, Chuigang Fan, Songgeng Li, Junwu Wang*, Multifluid modeling of coal pyrolysis in a downer reactor, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(9): 2634-2645.

12. Quan Zhou, Chuansong Wang, Hongbin Wang, Junwu Wang*, Eulerian-Lagrangian study of dense liquid-solid flow in an industrial-scale cylindrical hydrocyclone, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2016, 151: 40-50.

13. Bidan Zhao, Quan Zhou, Junwu Wang*, Jinghai Li, CFD study of exit effect of high-density CFB risers with EMMS-based two-fluid model, Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 134: 477-488.

14. Quan Zhou, Junwu Wang*, CFD study of mixing and segregation in CFB risers: Extension of EMMS drag model to binary gas-solid flow, Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 122: 637–651.

15. Zhan Shu, Junwu Wang*, Quan Zhou, Chuigang Fan, Songgeng Li, Evaluation of multifluid model for heat transfer behavior of binary gas-solid flow in a downer reactor, Powder Technology, 2015, 281: 34-48.

16. Xizhong Chen, Junwu Wang*, Hybrid discrete-continuum model for granular flow, Procedia Engineering, 2015, 102: 661-667.

17. Leina Hua, Junwu Wang*, Jinghai Li, CFD simulation of solids residence time distribution in a CFB riser, Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 117: 264-282.

18. Zhan Shu, Junwu Wang*, Chuigang Fan, Songgeng Li, Multifluid modeling ofmixing and segregation of binary gas-solid flow in a downer reactor for coal pyrolysis, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53 (23): 9915-9924.

19. Zhan Shu, Guo Peng, Junwu Wang*, Nan Zhang, Songgeng Li, Weigang Lin, Comparative CFD analysis of heterogeneous gas-solid flow in a countercurrent downer reactor, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(8): 3378-3384.

20. Xizhong Chen, Junwu Wang*, A comparison of two-fluid model, dense discrete particle model and CFD-DEM method for modeling impinging gas-solid flows, Powder Technology, 2014, 254: 94-102.

21. Quan Zhou, Junwu Wang*, Jinghai Li, Three-dimensional simulation of dense suspension upflow regime in high-density CFB risers using EMMS-based two-fluid model, Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 107: 206-217.

22. Quan Zhou, Junwu Wang*, Coarse grid simulation of heterogeneous gas-solid flow in a CFB riser with EMMS drag model: Effect of inputting drag correlations, Powder Technology, 2014, 253: 486-495.

23. Xizhong Chen, Junwu Wang*, Jinghai Li, Coarse grid simulation of heterogeneous gas-solid flow in a CFB riser with polydisperse particles, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 234: 173-183.

24. Guo Peng, Pengfei Dong, Zhengjie Li, Junwu Wang*, Weigang Lin, Eulerian simulation of gas-solid flow in a countercurrent downer, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 230: 406-414.

25. Junwu Wang*, M.A. van der Hoef, J.A.M. Kuipers, Particle granular temperature of Geldart A, A/B and B particles in dense gas fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Science, 2013, 97: 264-271.

26. Junwu Wang, M.A. van der Hoef*, J.A.M. Kuipers, Comparison of discrete particle and two-fluid modeling of dense gas-solid flow in gas-fluidized beds, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 2013, 85(3): 290-298 (Invited paper forJoachim Werther issue).

27. Junwu Wang*, Quan Zhou, Kun Hong, Wei Wang, Jinghai Li, An EMMS-based multi-fluid model for heterogeneous gas-solid riser flows: Part II. An alternative formulation from dominant mechanisms, Chemical Engineering Science, 2012, 75: 349-358.

28. Junwu Wang*, M.A. van der Hoef, J.A.M. Kuipers, The role of scale resolution versus inter-particle cohesive forces in two-fluid modeling of bubbling fluidization of Geldart A particles, Chemical Engineering Science, 2011, 66(18): 4229-4240.

29. Junwu Wang*, Lianghui Tan, M.A. van der Hoef, M. van Sint Annaland, J.A.M. Kuipers, From bubbling to turbulent fluidization:Advanced onset of regime transition in micro-fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Science, 2011, 66(9): 2001-2007.

30. Yaning Liu, Jianhua Chen, Wei Ge*, Junwu Wang*, Wei Wang, Acceleration of CFD simulation ofgas-solid flow by coupling macro-/meso-scale EMMS model, Powder Technology, 2011, 212(1): 289-295.

31. Junwu Wang*, M.A. van der Hoef, J.A.M. Kuipers, Coexistence of solidlike and fluidlike structures in a deep gas-fluidized bed, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2010, 49(11): 5279-5287(Invited paper forDimitri Gidaspow issue).

32. Junwu Wang*, M.A. van der Hoef, J.A.M. Kuipers,CFD study of the minimum bubbling velocity of Geldart A particles in gas-fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Science, 2010, 65(12): 3772-3785.

33. Junwu Wang*, M.A. van der Hoef, J.A.M. Kuipers,Coarse grid simulation of bed expansion characteristics of industrial-scale gas-solid bubbling fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Science, 2010, 65(6): 2125-2131.

34. Junwu Wang*, Yaning Liu, EMMS-based Eulerian simulation on the hydrodynamics of a bubbling fluidized bed with FCC particles, Powder Technology, 2010, 197(3): 241-246.

35. Junwu Wang*, Flow structures inside a large-scale turbulent fluidized bed of FCC particles: Eulerian simulation with an EMMS-based sub-grid scale model, Particuology, 2010, 8(2): 176-185.

36. Junwu Wang*, M.A. van der Hoef, J.A.M. Kuipers, The role of particle-particle interaction in bubbling gas-fluidized beds of Geldart A particles: A discrete particle study. AIP Conference Proceedings,2010, 1207: 766-774.

37. Junwu Wang*, A review of Eulerian simulation of Geldart A particles in gas-fluidized beds, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2009, 48(12): 5567-5577.

38. Junwu Wang*, M.A. van der Hoef, J.A.M. Kuipers, Why the two-fluid model fails to predict the bed expansion characteristics of Geldart A particles in gas-fluidized beds: A tentative answer, Chemical Engineering Science,2009, 64(3): 622-625.

39. Junwu Wang*, High-resolution Eulerian simulation of RMS of solid volume fraction fluctuation and particle clustering characteristics in a CFB riser, Chemical Engineering Science, 2008, 63(13): 3341-3347.

40. Junwu Wang*, Length scale dependence of effective inter-phase slip velocity and heterogeneity in gas-solid suspensions, Chemical Engineering Science, 2008, 63(8): 2294-2298.

41. Junwu Wang, Wei Ge*, Jinghai Li*, Eulerian simulation of heterogeneous gas-solid flows in CFB risers: EMMS-based sub-grid scale model with a revised cluster description, Chemical Engineering Science, 2008, 63(6): 1553-1571.

42. Junwu Wang, Wei Ge*, Multi-scale analysis on particle-phase stresses of coarse particles in bubbling fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Science, 2006, 61(8): 2736-2741.

43. Junwu Wang, Wei Ge*, Collisional particle-phase pressure in particle-fluid flows at high particle inertia, Physics of Fluids, 2005, 17(12): 128103.