







  • 孟凡勇
  • 副研究员
  • 北京市海淀区中关村北二条1号



1.Dr. Fanyong Meng, born in Yantai city, PR China, is an associate professor at Institute of Process Engineering (IPE), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS). His research interestsfocus on multiphase flow study and measurement techniques. Dr. Meng has developed a series of non-destructive testing techniques to explore the complex mechanism of multiphase flow, including x-ray CT, solids flux scanner and portable CT etc and participated in the developing a GPU based HPC system with the peak performance of 1.2 petaFLOPS. He has secured and solely managed a number of research projects, such asthe National Nature Science Foundation of China (21106158, 21376245 and 91334204), Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA07080104) and Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS Program(2014039). To date, Dr. Meng has published over 30 papers and filed 16 patents for invention, among which 14 were authorized.

2.EDUCATION BACKGROUND 2004 – 2009: Ph.D. Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China2001 – 2004: M.S. China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China 1997 – 2001: B.S. China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China


4.2012-present Associate Professor, State Key Lab. of Multiphase Complex System, IPE, CAS Proposed a scale resolution method for gas solid two phase flow. Developed a Portable X-ray CT scanner for out door measurement. Developed the solids flux online measurement system based on double x-ray scanning.2009-2012 Assistant Professor, State Key Lab. Of Multiphase Complex System, IPE, CAS Developed reconstruction algorithm based on GPU Clusters to achieve a speedup of over 200X. Developed a GPU based HPC system with a peak performance of 1.2 petaFLOPS(key member). Developed a beam hardening reduction method based on simulation.