







  • 胡聃
  • 研究员
  • 北京海淀区双清路18号
现任中国生态学会城市生态专业委员会副主任、中国可持续发展研究会生态环境专业委员会委员主要研究领域包括城市与产业代谢过程及其生态环境效应;城市及面向城市的区域生态系统服务机制及其生理生态基础;城市生态修复与生态工程方法城市生态规划与设计。研究方向为城市生态学和产业生态学。正在主持的国家课题有国家重点基础研究发展计划项目973子课题“建筑-建材业与城市生态工业复合体系耦合关系研究”;国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题“城市发展的区域生态服务机制与生态安全管理方法”;中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目子课题“城市生态动力学与生态位势评价”等。曾获《复合生态系统理论与可持续发展模式示范研究》2007年国家科技进步二等奖;《扬州生态市建设规划》2004年江苏省科技进步三等奖等奖项。近5年来在国内外期刊发表论文25篇,合著专著3部。代表性论著有:Dan Hu, Shu-Li Huang, Qiang Feng, Juan-juan Zhao, Liang Liang, Ben-nan Wang, 2008. Relationships Between Rapid Urban Development and the Appropriation of Ecosystems in Jiangyin City, Eastern China. Landscape and Urban Planning, in press.等。

Urban Ecology/Urban Ecological Engineering


1) the Key Supporting Project of Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2007BAC28B04): Ecological integration of restoration technologies and its engineering demonstration in old urban areas.

2) 973 National Basic Research Program of China (2005CB724206): the ecological coupling analysis between industries of building and building materials and urban ecological industrial complex system

3) the State Key Laboratory of Urban & Regional Ecology (SKLURE2008-1-01): Urban material and energy processes and their typical ecological effects

4) Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-YW-324)(KZCX2-YW-324):the material metabolism mechanism and their ecological integration in urban ecosystems

5) National Foundation of Natural Sciences of China (70873121): the integrated approach to urban metabolism of road system and its process management

6) Huaibei municipal government of Anhui province: ecological planning on the wetland ecological restoration and rebuilding in the subsided areas from coal mining.

1)2007 National Science & Technology Progress Award, 2th Class2)2004 Jiangsu Provincial Science & Technology Progress Award,3rd Class

1.Fang You, Dan Hu*, Haitao Zhang, Yanhua Zhao, Ye Yuan,Bennan Wang,2011.Carbon emissions in the life cycle of urban building system in China----A case study of residential buildings. Ecological Complexity, 8:201-212.

2. Dan Hu*,Fang You, Yanhua Zhao, Ye Yuan, Tianxing Liu, Aixin Cao, Zhen Wang, Junlian Zhang,2010. Input, stocks and output ?ows of urban residential building system in Beijing city, China from 1949 to 2008. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 (2010) 1177–1188.

3. Zhen Wang, Lei Shi, Dan Hu*, Yi Xu and Dezhi Sun, 2010. Pursuing sustainable industrial development through the eco-industrial parks ----Three case studies of China. Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. 1195(2010): E145–E153.3.

4. Dan Hu, Ru-Song Wang, Kam-Peng Lei, Feng Li, Zhen Wang, Ben-Nan Wang, 2009. Expanding ecological appropriation approach: Solar space method and a case study in Yangzhou city, East China. Ecological Complexity, 6 (2009): 473–483.

5. Kampeng Lei, Dan Hu*, Zhen Wang, Ying-ying Yu and Yanhua Zhao, 2009. An analysis of ecological footprint trade and sustainable carrying capacity of the population in Macao. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2009, 16(2): 127–136.

6. Feng Li, Xusheng Liu, Dan Hu*, Rusong Wang,Wenrui Yang, Dong Li, Dan Zhao,2009. Measurement indicators and an evaluation approach for assessing urban sustainable development: A case study for China’s Jining City. Landscape and Urban Planning,90:134-142.

7. Dan Hu, Guodong Yang,Qiong Wu, Hongqing Li, Xusheng Liu, Xuefeng Niu, Zhiheng Wang and Qiong Wang, 2008. Analyzing Land Use Changes in the Metropolitan Jilin City of Northeastern China Using Remote Sensing and GIS. Sensors,8(2008): 5449-5465.

8. Dan Hu, Feng Li, Bennan Wang, Kampeng Lei, Aixin Cao, Zhen Wang and Lin Yin-Hua, 2008. An Effect Analysis of the Changes in the Composition of Water Ecological Footprint in Jiangyin City, East China. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 15: 211–221.

9. Dan Hu, Shu-li Huang, Qiang Feng ,Feng Li, Juan-juan Zhao, Yan-hua Zhao, Ben-nan Wang, 2008. Relationships between rapid urban development and the appropriation of ecosystems in Jiangyin City, Eastern China. Landscape and Urban Planning,87:180-191.

10. Feng Li, Dan Hu*, Xusheng Liu, Rusong Wang, Wenrui Yang and Juergen Paulussen, 2008. Comprehensive Urban planning and management at multiple scales based on ecological principles: a case study in Beijing, China. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 15:524-533.

11. Qiong Wu, Dan Hu*, Rusong Wang, Hongqing Li, 2006. A GIS-based moving window analysis of landscape pattern in the Beijing metropolitan area, China.The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 13:419-434.

12. Dan Hu, Wang Rusong, 1998, Exploring Eco-Construction towards Local Sustainability—A Eco-Village Case Study in China, Ecological Engineering,11(1-4):167-176.