







  • 李琳
  • 研究员
  • 北京海淀区双清路18号

1990年7月毕业于北京师范大学化学系,获学士学位; 2004年12月毕业于哈尔滨工业大学市政与环境工程学院,获硕士学位;2007年6月获中国科学院环境工程专业博士学位。2004年8月-10月澳大利亚Curtin大学访问学者。 多年来,一直从事污水、污泥处理过程中的气态污染物生物处理技术与机制研究。重点研究高效生物反应器中污染物的迁移转化规律和传质动力学,运用现代生物学手段,构建恶臭及挥发性有机物的生物降解体系,分析微生物菌群共生关系及微环境对其活性影响。研究解析污水处理过程微生物气溶胶的逸散特征与形成机制。 主持5项国家自然科学基金(面上)、1项国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)青年基金项目,1项“十二五水专项”子课题,作为主要参加人完成1项国家自然科学基金重点项目,1项环保公益项目以及多项国家科技项目与地方的应用项目。开发出复合式生物除臭、嗜热菌脱硫、物化-生物组合处理废气等关键技术与设备,成功应用于多座污水和污泥处理厂、垃圾填埋场的除臭工程。在Environmental science & technology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Bioresource Technology等期刊发表SCI论文50余篇,授权发明专利22项。




2019-2022:国家自然科学基金项目:废气中H2S与VOCs的生物电强化协同去除及电子转移调控机制,负责人; 2015-2018:国家自然科学基金项目:污水处理过程生物气溶胶的同步生成及驱动方式的影响机制,负责人; 2012-2015:国家自然科学基金项目:甲烷与恶臭物质协同降解的生物体系构建及其反应机制与途径研究,负责人; 2011-2016:“十二五水专项”“城市污泥水泥窑协同技术研究与工程示范”,子课题负责人; 2007-2009:国家自然科学基金项目:难降解VOCs的生物-气膜协同净化机制及新型反应器的研究,负责人; 2002-2004:国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)青年基金项目:臭味气体生物处理技术与设备研究,负责人


Yanjie Wang, Lin Li*, Ren Xiong, Xuesong Guo, Junxin Liu. Effects of aeration on microbes and intestinal bacteria in bioaerosols from the BRT of an indoor wastewater treatment facility. Science of the Total Environment. 648 (2019) 1453–1461. Yanjie Wang, Huachun Lan, Lin Li*, Kaixiong Yang, Jiuhui Qu, Junxin Liu. Chemicals and microbes in bioaerosols from reaction tanks of six wastewater treatment plants: survival factors, generation sources, and mechanisms. Scientific Reports. (2018) 8:9362. Lin Li*, Song Xue, Jingru Xi. Anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to sulphate reduction: Consortium characteristics and application in co-removal of H2S and methane. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2018.05.006 Yanjie Wang, Lin Li*, Yunping Han, Junxin Liu, Kaixiong Yang. Intestinal bacteria in bioaerosols and factorsaffecting their survival in two oxidation ditch process municipal wastewater treatment plants located in different regions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 154 (2018) 162–170. Kaixiong Yang, Lin Li*, Wenjie Ding, Junxin Liu, Song Xue. A Full-Scale Thermophilic Biofilter in the Treatment of Sludge Drying Exhaust: Performance, Microbial Characteristics and Bioaerosol Emission. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. 2018, 93: 2216–2225. Guangsu Xu, Yunping Han, Lin Li, Junxin Liu. Characterization and source analysis of indoor/outdoor airborne bacteria in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2018.02.007 Jingying Zhang, Lin Li*, Junxin Liu, Yanjie Wang. Effects of oxygen and water content on microbial distribution in the polyurethane foam cubes of a biofilter for SO2 removal. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2018, 63: 268-276. Yunping Han, Yanjie Wang, Lin Li*, Guangsu Xu, Junxin Liu, Kaixiong Yang. Bacterial population and chemicals in aerosols measured in indoor environment: sludge dewatering houses from nine municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWTP). Science of the Total Environment. Volume 618, 15 March 2018, Pages 469-478 Song Xue, Wenhe Chen, Mingjia Deng, Hui Luo, Wensheng Huang, Yunping Han, Lin Li*. Effects of moisture content on the performance of a two-stage thermophilic biofilter and choice of irrigation rate. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2018, 113, 164–173 Yongli Sun, Song Xue, Lin Li*, Wenjie Ding, Junxin Liu, Yunping Han. Sulfur dioxide and o-xylene co-treatment in biofilter: Performance, bacterial populations and bioaerosols emissions. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2018, 69:41-51. Yunping Han, Mengzhu Zhang, Lin Li*, Junxin Liu. Microbial population structure in near-ground aerosols during fog-haze days in northern China. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 2017, 10:1113–1121. Jianwei Liu, Kaixiong Yang, Lin Li* Jingying Zhang. A full-scale integrated-bioreactor with two zones treating odors from sludge thickening tank and dewatering house: Performance and Microbial characteristics. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2017, 11(4): 6 Jingying Zhang, Lin Li*, Junxin Liu. Effects of irrigation and water content of packing materials on a thermophilic biofilter for SO2 removal: Performance, oxygen distribution and microbial population. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 118 (2017) 105–112. Lin Li, Kaixiong Yang, Jian Lin, Junxin Liu. Operational aspects of SO2 removal and microbial population in an integrated-bioreactor with two bioreaction zones, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Bioprocess Biosyst Eng (2017) 40:285–296. Jingying Zhang, Lin Li, Junxin Liu*, Temporal variation of microbial population in acclimation and start-up period of a thermophilic desulfurization biofilter. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2016, 109:157-164. Wenjie Ding, Lin Li*, Yunping Han, Jianzhong Liu, Junxin Liu. Site-related and seasonal variation of bioaerosol emission in an indoor wastewater treatment station: level, characteristics of particle size, and microbial structure. Aerobiologia, 2016, 32(2):211-224. Jingying Zhang, Lin Li,* Junxin Liu, Temporal variation of microbial population in a thermophilic biofilter for SO2 removal. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016, 39: 4-12. Lin Li*, Jingying Zhang, Jian Lin, Junxin Liu.Biological technologies for the removal of sulfur containing compounds from waste streams: bioreactors and microbial characteristics. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology: 2015, 31(10):1501-1515. Ruina Zhang, Lin Li, Junxin Liu. Synthesis and characterization of ferric tannate as anovel porous adsorptive-catalyst for nitrogen removal from wastewater. RSC Adv., 2015, 5: 40785-40791 Jian Lin, Lin Li*, Wenjie Ding, Jingying Zhang, Junxin Liu. Continuous desulfurization and bacterial community structure of an integrated bioreactor developed to treatment SO2 from a gas stream. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2015, 37:130–138 Wenjie Ding, Lin Li*, Junxin Liu. Investigation of the effects of temperature and sludge characteristics on Odors and VOC emissions during drying process of sewage sludge. Water science and technology. 2015,72(4):543-552. Jingying Zhang, Lin Li*, Junxin Liu Thermophilic biofilter for SO2 removal: Performance and microbial characteristics. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 180:106-111.