







  • 李新亮
  • 研究员
  • 北京市海淀区北四环西路15号



1990.08 ~ 1994.07吉林大学数学系,学士,应用力学

1994.08 ~ 1997.07吉林大学数学研究所, 硕士, 流体力学

1997.08 ~ 2000.07中国科学院力学研究所,博士 , 流体力学

2000.08 ~ 2002.07清华大学工程力学系, 博士后, 流体力学

2002.08 ~至今中国科学院力学研究所, 工作,流体力学

2005.08 ~ 2007.08日本东京工业大学, JSPS特别研究员


2011.07 博士生导师

2015.3 中国科学院大学岗位教授


计算流体力学; 可压缩湍流与转捩; 飞行器空气动力学等; 


中国空气动力学会物理气体动力学专业委员会 副主任委员;计算物理学会常务理事;中国空气动力学会计算流体力学专业委员会委员;力学学会计算流体力学专业组组员;中国科学院大学岗位教授;北京大学湍流与复杂系统研究国家重点实验室客座教授;Computers & Fluids 杂志编委; 《计算物理》编委;《空气动力学报》编委;《中国物理快报》特邀评审;


1. Xinliang LI, Yanwen MA, Dexun Fu. 2000, DNS of Incompressible turbulent channel flow with upwind scheme on non-uniform meshes. Computational Fluid Dynamics JOURNAL 8(4),536-543,2000

2. Li Xinliang, Ma Yanwen, Fu Dexun. DNS and scaling law analysis of compressible turbulent channel flow. Science in China A, 44 (5),2001,645-654. 另见: 李新亮,马延文,傅德薰。可压缩槽道湍流的直接数值模拟及标度律分析。中国科学A,31(2), 153-164,2001 (SCI)

3. 李新亮,马延文,傅德薰。不可压N-S方程数值模拟方法研究及二维槽道流动的非线性行为分析。力学学报,33(5),577-587,2001 (EI)

4. 李新亮,马延文,傅德薰。迎风紧致格式的混淆误差分析及其同谱方法的比较。计算物理,19(4),17-23, 2002 (EI)

5. 李新亮,马延文,傅德薰。二维可压缩槽道湍流的标度律分析。 力学学报,34(4),604-608,2002 (EI)

6. Li Xinliang, Fu Dexun, Ma Yanwen. Direct numerical simulation of compressible isotropic turbulence. Science in China A, 45(11), 1452-1460, 2002另见: 李新亮,傅德薰,马延文。可压缩均匀各向同性湍流的直接数值模拟。中国科学A,32(8),2002,716-724 (SCI)

7. 张志斌,李新亮,沈孟育。 平面压气机叶栅非定常流动的数值模拟研究, 清华大学学报,(自然科学版),43(2),2003,222-226。

8. 张志斌,李新亮,沈孟育。 三维压气机直叶栅非定常流动的数值模拟研究, 航空动力学报,18(2),2003,283-288。(EI)

9. Fu Dexun, Ma Yanwen, Li Xinliang, and Liu Mingyu, Compact difference approximation with consistent boundary condition, Progress in Natural Science, 13(10) 2003,730-735. (SCI)

10.Li Xinliang, Fu Dexun, Ma Yanwen. Direct numerical simulation of passive scalar in decaying compressible turbulence, Science in China G, 47(1), 2004, 52-63. 另见:李新亮 傅德薰 马延文。可压衰减湍流中被动标量场的直接数值模拟及谱分析,中国科学G, Vol. 33. No.4,2003,357-367. (SCI)

11.李新亮,傅德薰,马延文。八阶群速度控制格式及其应用。力学学报36(1),79-83,2004 (EI)

12.Linbo Zhang, Shiyi Chen, Xinliang Li et al. Some Numerical Results on the Domestic Made Teracluster LSSC—II. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES A-MATHEMATICS 47: 53-68 Suppl. S APR 2004 (SCI)

13.Ma Yanwen, Gao Hui, Fu Dexun and Li Xinliang, Difference Scheme on Non-Uniform Mesh and Their Application, Progress in Natural Science, 14(10):848-854. 2004 (SCI)

14.Li Xinliang, Fu Dexun, and Ma Yanwen. DNS of compressible turbulent boundary layer over a blunt wedge. Science in China Ser. G, Vol.48, No. 2, 129-141, 2005. 另见: 李新亮,傅德薰,马延文。可压缩钝楔边界层转捩到湍流的直接数值模拟。 中国科学G,34(4).466-480,2004 (SCI)

15.Xinliang Li, Dexun Fu, and Yanwen Ma. Optimized group velocity control scheme and DNS of decaying compressible turbulence of relative high turbulent Mach number. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 48,2005:835-852 (SCI)

16.Gao Hui, Fu Dexun, Ma Yanwen, Li Xinliang, Direct numerical simulation of supersonic boundary layer, Chinese Physics Letters, 22(7),2005: 1709-1712 (SCI)

17.Li Xinliang, Fu Dexun and Ma Yanwen, Direct Numerical Simulation of a Spatially Evolving Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layer at Ma = 6,Chinese Phys. Lett.23 No 6 ,2006, 1519-1522 (SCI)

18.ZHOU Ying, LI Xin-Liang, FU De-Xun, MA Yan-Wen Coherent structures in the transition of a flat-plate boundary layer at Ma=0.7, Chinese Physics Letters,24(1), 147-151, 2007 (SCI)

19. 张玉东,傅德薰,马延文,李新亮。高精度非定常激波装配法。计算物理,24(5),533-536,2007. (EI)

20. Fu Dexun, Ma Yanwen, Li Xinliang, Direct numerical simulation of three-dimensional Richtmyer-Mechkov instability, Chinese Physics Letters, 25(1),188-191,2008 (SCI)

21.Li Xinliang, Fu Dexun and Ma Yanwen. DNS of compressible turbulent boundary layer around a sharp cone , Science in China G, 51(6),699-714,2008 另见:李新亮,傅德薰,马延文。可压缩尖锥边界层转捩的直接数值模拟,中国科学,38(1):1-13,2008. (SCI)

22.Xinliang Li, Katsumi Hashimoto, Yasuhiro Tominaga, Mamoru Tanahashi and Toshio Miyauchi. Numerical study of heat transfer mechanism in turbulent supercritical CO2 channel flow. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 3(1), Sp. Iss. SI, 112-123, 2008. (SCI)

23.Xinliang Li, Dexun Fu and Yanwen Ma,Direct numerical simulation of hypersonic boundary-layer transition over a blunt cone, AIAA Journal, 46(11),2899-2913,2008. (SCI)

24. Zhang YD, Fu DX, Ma YW and Li XL, Receptivity to free-stream disturbance waves for hypersonic flow over a blunt cone, Science in China G, 51 (11): 1682-1690,2008 另见:张玉东,傅德薰,马延文,李新亮。钝锥高超声速边界层来流感受性数值研究。中国科学G, 38(9):1246-1254, 2008. (SCI)

25.Xian Liang, Xinliang Li, Dexun Fu and Yanwen Ma, Complex Transition of Double –Diffusive Convection in a Rectangular Enclosure with Height-to-Length Ratio Equal to 4: Part I, COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, 6 (2),247-268,2009. (SCI)

26.LI Xin-Liang, FU De-Xun, MA Yan-Wen and GAO Hui, Acoustic Calculation for Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 26, No. 9, 094701, 2009 (SCI)

27.Xian Liang , Xinliang Li , Dexun Fu and Yanwen Ma, Effect of wall temperature on boundary layer stability over a blunt cone at Mach 7.99, Computers & Fluids 39(2),259-371,2010. (SCI)

28.Xinliang Li, Dexun Fu and Yanwen Ma, Direct numerical simulation of hypersonic boundary layer transition over a blunt cone with a small angle of attack, Physics of Fluids 22, 025105, 2010. (SCI)

29.Xinliang Li, Dexun Fu,Yanwen Ma, Xian Liang, Direct Numerical Simulation of Shock/Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction in a Supersonic Compression Ramp, Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Vol.53 No.9: 1651–1658,2010 另见: 李新亮,傅德薰,马延文,梁贤,压缩折角激波-湍流边界层干扰直接数值模拟,中国科学G,40(6),791-799,2010 (SCI)

30. Xinliang Li, Dexun Fu, Yanwen Ma and Xian Liang, Direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows. Acta Mechanica Sinica 2010, 26 (6) :795-806

31. Zhiwei He, Xinliang Li, Dexun Fu and Yanwen Ma, Monotonicity-preserving Upwind Compact Difference Schemes, Science in China G, (已录用,待发表)

32. 傅德薰,马延文,李新亮,王强: 可压缩湍流直接数值模拟,科学出版社 (专著)