







  • 任瑛
  • 副研究员
  • 北京市海淀区中关村北二条1号





1.Mengzhi Han, Ji Xu, Ying Ren. Sampling conformational space of intrinsically disordered proteins in explicit solvent: comparison between well-tempered ensemble approach and solute tempering method. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 2017, 72:136-147.

2.Mengzhi Han, Ji Xu, Ying Ren. Compromise in competition between free energy and binding effect of intrinsically disordered protein p53 C-Terminal Domain. Molecular Simulation, 2017, 43:110-120.

3.Mengzhi Han, Ji Xu, Ying Ren, Jinghai Li. Simulation of coupled folding and binding of an intrinsically disordered protein in explicit solvent with metadynamics. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 2016, 68: 114-127.

4.Mengzhi Han, Ji Xu, Ying Ren,Jinghai Li. Simulations of flow induced structural transition of the β-switch region of glycoprotein Ibα. Journal of Biophysical Chemistry. 2016. 209: 9–20.

5.Ji Xu, Mengzhi Han, Ying Ren,Jinghai Li. The principle of compromise in competition: exploring stability condition of protein folding. Science Bulletin. 2015 60(1):76–85

6.Ji Xu, Ying Ren, Jinghai Li. Multiscale simulations of protein folding: Application to formation of secondary structures. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2013, 31(7):779-787.

7.Ji Xu, Ying Ren, Wei Ge, Xiaowei Wang, Xianfeng He. A molecular view of a virus. Drug discovery and development. 2012. http://www.dddmag.com/articles/2012/03/molecular-view-virus.

8.Ying Ren, Jian Gao, Ji Xu, Wei Ge, Jinghai Li. Key factors in chaperonin-assisted protein folding. Particuology. 2012(10):105-116.

9.Ji Xu, Xiaowei Wang, Xianfeng He, Ying Ren, Wei Ge, Jinghai Li.Application of the Mole-8.5 supercomputer -- Probing the whole influenza virion at the atomic level. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56:2114-2118.

10.Ji Xu, Ying Ren, Wei Ge, Xiang Yu, Xizozhen Yang, Jinghai Li. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Macromolecules Using Graphics Processing Unit. Molecular Simulation, 2010, 36(14):1131-1140.

11.Ji Xu, Wei Ge, Ying Ren, Jinghai Li. Implementation of Particle-Mesh Ewald (PME) on Graphics Processing Units. Chinese Journal of Computational Physics, 2010, 27(4), 548-554.

12.Jian Gao,Ying Ren and Wei Ge.Molecular dynamics simulation of effect of salt on the compromise of hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelle solutions. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2009, 17(4):654-660.

13.Ying Ren, Jian Gao, Ji Xu, Wei Ge and Jinghai Li. Explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations of chaperonin-assisted rhodanese folding. Particuology. 2009, 7(3):220-224.

14.Ying Ren, Jian Gao, Wei Ge and Jinghai Li. Thermal unfolding of rhodanese—Molecular dynamics simulation of a double-domain protein. Industrial Engineering and Chemical Research. 2009,48:8865-8871.

15.Ying Ren, Jian Gao, Wei Ge, Jinghai Li and Guohua Hu. Molecular dynamics simulation of a single polymer in hydrophilic nano-slits. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(17):2599-2606.

16. Ying Ren, Wei Ge, Jian Gao and Jinghai Li. Microemulsions. In: Analytical multi-scale method for multi-phase complex systems in process engineering―Bridging reductionism and holism. Chemical Engineering Science, 2007, 62(13): 3346–3377.