







  • 陈云霁
  • 研究员
陈云霁,男,1983年生,江西南昌人,中国科学院计算技术研究所研究员,博士生导师。他带领智能处理器研究中心(寒武纪课题组),研制了国际上首个深度学习专用处理器芯片寒武纪。相关技术广泛应用于多种手机和服务器产品中。他在ISCA、HPCA、ASPLOS、MICRO、ICSE、ISSCC、Hot Chips、IJCAI、IEEE TC、IEEE TPDS、IEEE TCAD、ACM TOCS和CACM等学术会议及期刊上发表论文100余篇,申请专利100余项,获得了ASPLOS和MICRO等计算机体系结构顶级国际会议最佳论文奖(亚洲迄今仅有的两次)。包括哈佛、斯坦福、麻省理工、谷歌等上百个国际知名机构跟踪引用他的学术论文开展深度学习处理器研究。因此,他被Science杂志评价为该方向的“先驱”和“领导者”。 他曾获国家杰出青年科学基金、中国青年科技奖、全国创新争先奖、国家自然科学基金委“优秀青年基金”、国家万人计划“青年拔尖人才”、教育部“青年长江学者”,并被MIT技术评论评为全球35位杰出青年创新者(2015年度)。他还曾两次获得中国科学院优秀导师奖。个人经历:2012-至今,中国科学院计算所,研究员2009-2012,中国科学院计算所,副研究员2007-2009,中国科学院计算所,助理研究员2002-2007,中国科学院计算所,硕博生1997-2002,中国科大少年班,本科生


·? Shaoli Liu, Zidong Du, Jinhua Tao, Dong Han, Tao Luo, Yuan Xie,?Yunji Chen, and Tianshi Chen, 'Cambricon: An Instruction Set Architecture for Neural Networks', in?Proceedings of the 43rd ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA'16), 2016.?(The highest score paper)

·? Zidong Du, Daniel D Ben-Dayan Rubin,?Yunji Chen, Liqiang He, Tianshi Chen, Lei Zhang, Chengyong Wu, and Olivier Temam, 'Neuromorphic Accelerators: A Comparison Between Neuroscience and Machine-Learning Approaches', in?Proceedings of the 48th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO'15), 2015.

·? Zidong Du, Robert Fasthuber, Tianshi Chen, Paolo Ienne, Ling Li, Tao Luo, Xiaobing Feng,?Yunji Chen, and Olivier Temam, 'ShiDianNao: Shifting Vision Processing Closer to the Sensor', in?Proceedings of the 42nd ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA'15), 2015.

·? Xiang Yuan, Chenggang Wu, Zhenjiang Wang, Jianjun Li, Pen-Chung Yew, Jeff Huang, Xiaobing Feng, Yanyan Lan,?Yunji Chen, and Yong Guan, 'Reproducing Concurrency Bugs Using Local Clocks', in?Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'15),?2015.

·? Xiaochun Zhang, Qi Guo,?Yunji Chen, Tianshi Chen, and Weiwu Hu, 'HERMES: A Fast Cross-ISA Binary Translator with Post-Optimization', in?Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO'15),?2015.?(Best paper Nominee)

·? Daofu Liu, Tianshi Chen, Shaoli Liu, Jinhong Zhou, Shengyuan Zhou, Olivier Temam, Xiaobing Feng, Xuehai Zhou, and?Yunji Chen, 'PuDianNao: A Polyvalent Machine Learning Accelerator', in?Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'15),?2015.

·? Yunji Chen, Tao Luo, Shaoli Liu, Shijin Zhang, Liqiang He, Jia Wang, Ling Li, Tianshi Chen, Zhiwei Xu, Ninghui Sun, and Olivier Temam, 'DaDianNao: A Machine-Learning Supercomputer', in?Proceedings of the 47th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO'14),?2014.?(Best paper)?[pdf]

·? Tianshi Chen, Zidong Du, Ninghui Sun, Jia Wang, Chengyong Wu,?Yunji Chen, and Olivier Temam, 'DianNao: A Small-Footprint High-Throughput Accelerator for Ubiquitous Machine-Learning', in?Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'14),?2014.?(Best paper)?[pdf]

·? Tianshi Chen, Qi Guo, Ke Tang, Olivier Temam, Zhiwei Xu, Zhi-Hua Zhou, and?Yunji Chen, 'ArchRanker: A Ranking Approach to Design Space Exploration', in?Proceedings of the 41st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA'14), 2014.

·? Yuanjie Huang, Paolo Ienne, Olivier Temam,?Yunji Chen, and Chengyong Wu, 'Elastic CGRAs', in?Proceedings of the 21st ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA'13),?2013.

·? Weiwu Hu, Yifu Zhang, Liang Yang, Baoxia Fan,?Yunji Chen, Shiqiang Zhong, Huandong Wang, Zichu Qi, Pengyu Wang, Xiang Gao, Xu Yang, Bin Xiao, Hongsheng Wang, Zongren Yang, Liqiong Yang, and Shuai Chen, 'Godson-3B1500: A 32nm 1.35GHz 40W 172.8GFLOPS 8-Core Processor', in?Proceedings of the 60th IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'13),?2013.

·? Tianshi Chen,?Yunji Chen, Marc Duranton, Qi Guo, Atif Hashmi, Mikko Lipasti, Andrew Nere, Shi Qiu, Michele Sebag, and Olivier Temam, 'BenchNN: On the Broad Potential Application Scope of Hardware Neural Network Accelerators', in?Proceedings of International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC'12), 2012.?(Best Paper Nominee)

·? Tianshi Chen,?Yunji Chen, Qi Guo, Olivier Temam, Yue Wu, and Weiwu Hu, 'Statistical Performance Comparisons of Computers' in?Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA'12), 2012.

·? Qi Guo, Tianshi Chen,?Yunji Chen, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Weiwu Hu, and Zhiwei Xu, 'Effective and Efficient Microprocessor Design Space Exploration Using Unlabeled Design Configurations', in?Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'11), 2011.

·? Lei Li, Tianshi Chen,?Yunji Chen, Ling Li, and Cheng Qian, 'Brief Announcement: Program Regularization in Verifying Memory Consistency', in?Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'11), 2011.

·? Qi Guo, Tianshi Chen, Haihua Shen,?Yunji Chen, Yue Wu and Weiwu Hu, 'Empirical Design Bugs Prediction for Verification,' in?2011 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE'11), Grenoble, France, 2011

·? Weiwu Hu, Ru Wang,?Yunji Chen, Baoxia Fan, Shiqiang Zhong, Xiang Gao, Zichu Qi, and Xu Yang, 'Godson-3B: A 1GHz 40W 8-Core 128GFlops Processor in 65nm CMOS', in?Proceedings of the 58th IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'11),?2011.

·? Weiwu Hu and?Yunji Chen, 'GS464V: A High-performance Low-power XPU with 512-bit Vector Extension', in?Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Symposium on High Performance Chips (HOT CHIPS'10), 2010.

·? Yunji Chen, Weiwu Hu, Tianshi Chen, and Ruiyang Wu, 'LReplay: A Pending Period Based Deterministic Replay Scheme', in?Proceedings of the 37th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA'10),?2010.

·? Menghao Su,?Yunji Chen, and Xiang Gao, 'A General Method to Make Multi-Clock System Deterministic', in?Proceedings of Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE'10),?2010.

·? Yunji Chen, Yi Lv, Weiwu Hu, Tianshi Chen, Haihua Shen, Pengyu Wang, and Hong Pan, 'Fast Complete Memory Consistency Verification', in?Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA'09), 2009.?(The first HPCA paper from Mainland China)

·? Weiwu Hu, Jian Wang, Xiang Gao, and?Yunji Chen, 'Micro-architecture of Godson-3 Multi-Core Processor', in?Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Symposium on High Performance Chips (HOT CHIPS'08), 2008.?(The first HOTCHIPS presentation from Mainland China)


·? Yunji Chen, Shijin Zhang, Qi Guo, Ling Li, Ruiyang Wu, and Tianshi Chen, 'Deterministic Replay: A Survey', accepted by?ACM Computing Surveys, 2015.

·? Shaoli Liu, Tianshi Chen, Ling Li, Xiaoxue Feng, Zhiwei Xu, Haibo Chen, Fred Chong, and?Yunji Chen, 'IMR: High-Performance Low-Cost Multi-Ring NoCs', accepted by?IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2015.

·? Qi Guo, Tianshi Chen,?Yunji Chen, Franz Franchetti, and James C. Hoe, 'Accelerating Architectural Simulation via Statistical Techniques: A Survey', accepted by?IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2015.

·? Zidong Du, Avinash Lingamneni,?Yunji Chen, Krishna V. Palem, Olivier Temam, and Chengyong Wu, 'Leveraging the Error Resilience of Neural Networks for Designing Highly Energy Efficient Accelerators', accepted by?IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2015.

·? Shuangde Fang, Wenwen Xu, Yang Chen, Lieven Eeckhout, Olivier Temam,?Yunji Chen, Chengyong Wu, and Xiaobing Feng, 'Practical Iterative Optimization for the Data Center', accepted by?ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 2015.

·? Tianshi Chen, Shijin Zhang, Shaoli Liu, Zidong Du, Tao Luo, Yuan Gao, Junjie Liu, Dongsheng Wang, Chengyong Wu, Ninghui Sun,?Yunji Chen, and Olivier Temam, 'A Small-Footprint Accelerator for Large-Scale Neural Networks', accepted by?ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 2014.?(The first ACM TOCS paper from Mainland China)

·? Qi Guo, Tianshi Chen, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Olivier Temam, Ling Li, Depei Qian, and?Yunji Chen, 'Robust Architectural Design Space Modeling', accepted by?ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 2014.

·? Shaoli Liu, Tianshi Chen, Ling Li, Xi Li, Mingzhe Zhang, Chao Wang, Haibo Meng, Xuehai Zhou, and?Yunji Chen, 'FreeRider: Non-local Adaptive Network-on-Chip Routing with Packet-Carried Propagation of Congestion Information', accepted by?IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2014.

·? Tianshi Chen, Qi Guo, Olivier Temam, Yue Wu, Yungang Bao, Zhiwei Xu, and?Yunji Chen, 'Statistical Performance Comparisons of Computers', accepted by?IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2014.

·? Shuangde Fang, Zidong Du, Yuntan Fang, Yuanjie Huang, Yang Chen, Lieven Eeckhout, Olivier Temam, Huawei Li,?Yunji Chen, and Chengyong Wu, 'Performance Portability Across Heterogeneous SoCs Using a Generalized Library-Based Approach', accepted by?ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 2014.

·? Chao Wang, Xi Li, Junneng Zhang, Peng Chen,?Yunji Chen, Xuehai Zhou, and RAY C.C. Cheung, 'Architecture Support for Task Out-of-order Execution in MPSoCs', accepted by?IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2014.

·? Qi Guo, Tianshi Chen,?Yunji Chen, Rui Wang, Huanhuan Chen, Weiwu Hu, and Guoliang Chen, 'Pre-Silicon Bug Forecast',?IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 33, no.3, 2014.

·? Weiwu Hu, Liang Yang, Baoxia Fan, Huandong Wang, and?Yunji Chen, 'An 8-core MIPS-compatible processor in 32/28nm bulk CMOS',?IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,?vol. 49, no. 1, 2014.

·? Tianshi Chen,?Yunji Chen, Qi Guo, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Ling Li, and Zhiwei Xu, 'Effective and Efficient Microprocessor Design Space Exploration Using Unlabeled Design Configurations',?ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, vol. 5, no. 1, 2013.

·? Yunji Chen, Tianshi Chen, Ling Li, Ruiyang Wu, Daofu Liu, and Weiwu Hu, 'Deterministic Replay Using Global Clock',?ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, vol. 10, no. 1, 2013.

·? Yunji Chen, Tianshi Chen, Ling Li, Lei Li, Liang Yang, Menghao Su, and Weiwu Hu, 'LDet: Determinizing Asynchronous Transfer for Post-silicon Debugging',?IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 62, no. 9, 2013.

·? Ling Li, Shaoli Liu,?Yunji Chen, Tianshi Chen, and Tao Luo, 'Motion Estimation Without Integer-Pel Search',?IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 22, no. 4, 2013.

·? Yunji Chen, Lei Li, Tianshi Chen, Ling Li, Lei Wang, Xiaoxue Feng, and Weiwu Hu, 'Program Regularization in Memory Consistency Verification',?IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 23, no. 11, 2012.

·? Weiwu Hu,?Yunji Chen, Tianshi Chen, Cheng Qian and Lei Li, 'Linear Time Memory Consistency Verification',?IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 61, no. 4, 2012.

·? Xiang Gao,?Yunji Chen, Huandong Wang, Dan Tang, and Weiwu Hu, 'System Architecture of Godson-3 Multi-core Processors',?Journal of Computer Science and Technology,?vol. 25, no. 2, 2010.

·? Yunji Chen, Tianshi Chen, and Weiwu Hu, 'Global Clock, Physical Time Order and Pending Period Analysis in Multiprocessor Systems', CoRR abs/0903.4961, March 2009.

·? Weiwu Hu, Jian Wang, Xiang Gao,?Yunji Chen, Qi Liu, and Guojie Li, 'Godson-3: A Scalable Multicore RISC Processor with x86 Emulation',?IEEE Micro, vol. 29, no. 2, 2009.
