[1] Qun Huang, Xin Jin, Patrick P. C. Lee, Runhui Li, Lu Tang, Yi-Chao Chen and Gong Zhang. SketchVisor: Robust Network Measurement for Software Packet Processing. ACM SIGCOMM, 2017. (Conference with AR: 36/250=14.4%) [2] Runhui Li, Xiaolu Li, Patrick P. C. Lee and Qun Huang. Repair Pipelining for Erasure-Coded Storage. USENIX ATC, 2017. (Conference with AR: 60/283=21.2%). [3] Qun Huang and Patrick P. C. Lee. Toward High-Performance Distributed Stream Processing via Approximate Fault Tolerance. PVLDB, 10(3), pp. 73-84, 2016. [4] Qun Huang and Patrick P. C. Lee. LD-Sketch: A Distributed Sketching Design for Accurate and Scalable Anomaly Detection in Network Data Streams. IEEE INFOCOM 2014, 2014. (Conference with AR: 320/1645=19.4%).