







  • 李家洋
  • 院士

李家洋 博士 研究员、博士生导师,植物分子遗传学家联系电话86-10-64806577;E-mail:jyli@genetics.ac.cn研究领域 高等植物生长发育与代谢的分子遗传学,主要以水稻、橡胶草、拟南芥等为材料,重点研究植物株型形成的分子基础和影响重要农艺性状的主要代谢途径,致力于水稻与橡胶草的分子品种设计,培育高产优质、高抗稳产、高效安全新品种。教育经历 1982年 安徽农学院(安徽农业大学)学士学位 1984年 中国科学院遗传研究所 硕士学位 1991年 美国布兰代斯大学 博士学位工作经历 1991-1994年 美国康乃尔大学汤普逊植物研究所 博士后 1994-2011年 中国科学院遗传研究所研究员、所长助理、所长 2001年-- 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所研究员 2001-2004年 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 所长 2004-2011年 中国科学院副院长、党组成员 2011-2016年 中国农业科学院院长、农业部副部长、党组成员 2012-2017年 第十八届中央候补委员 2018年-- 第十三届全国人大常委会委员、农业农村管理员会副主任学术荣誉 2001年 中国科学院院士 2004年 发展中国家科学院院士 2011年 美国科学院外籍院士 2012年 德国科学院院士 2013年 欧洲分子生物学组织(EMBO)外籍成员 2014年 国际欧亚科学院院士 2015年 英国皇家学会外籍会员科技奖励 2004年 全球华人生物科学家大会生命科学成就奖、何梁何利生命科学奖 2005年 国家自然科学奖二等奖、发展中国家科学院讲演奖、长江学者成就二等奖 2011年 美国植物生物学家协会终身会员奖 2013年 中国科学院杰出科技成就奖 2014年 汤森路透高被引科学家, 2017年 国家自然科学奖一等奖、求是科技基金会杰出科技成就集体奖 2018年 陈嘉庚科学奖 2018年 未来科学大奖代表性论文与著作A. Selected Peer-Reviewed ArticlesDuan, J, Yu, H, Yuan, K, Liao, Z, Meng, X, Jing, Y, Liu, G, Chu, J, and Li, J (2019). Strigolactone promotes cytokinin degradation through transcriptional activation of CYTOKININ OXIDASE/DEHYDROGENASE 9 in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 116: 14319-14324.Liao, Z, Yu, H, Duan, J, Yuan, K, Yu, C, Meng, X, Kou, L, Chen, M, Jing, Y, Liu, G, Smith, SM, and Li, J (2019). SLR1 inhibits MOC1 degradation to coordinate tiller number and plant height in rice. Nat Commun 10: 2738.Shao G, Lu Z, Xiong J, Wang B, Jing Y, Meng X, Liu G, Ma H, Liang Y, Chen F, Wang Y, Li J, and Yu H (2019). Tiller bud formation regulators MOC3 and MOC1 cooperatively promote tiller bud outgrowth by activating FON1 expression in rice. Mol Plant 12: 1090-1102.Li, Z, Liang, Y, Yuan, Y, Wang, L, Meng, X, Xiong, G, Zhou, J, Cai, Y, Han, N, Hua, L, Liu, G, Li, J, and Wang, Y (2019). OsBRXL4 regulates shoot gravitropism and rice tiller angle through affecting LAZY1 nuclear localization. Mol Plant 12:1143-1156.Luo, L, He, Y, Zhao, Y, Xu, Q, Wu, J, Ma, H, Guo, H, Bai, L, Zuo, J, Zhou, JM, Yu, H, and Li, J (2019). Regulation of mitochondrial NAD pool via NAD+ transporter 2 is essential for matrix NADH homeostasis and ROS production in Arabidopsis. Sci China Life Sci 62: 991-1002.Zhang R, Liu J, Chai Z, Chen S, Bai Y, Zong Y, Chen K, Li J, Jiang L, and Gao C (2019). Generation of herbicide tolerance traits and a new selectable marker in wheat using base editing. Nat Plants 5:480-485.Wang, CC, Yu, H, Huang, J, Wang, WS, Faruquee, M, Zhang, F, Zhao, XQ, Fu, BY, Chen, K, Zhang, HL, Tai, SS, Wei, C, McNally, KL, Alexandrov, N, Gao, XY, Li, J, Li, ZK, Xu, JL, and Zheng, TQ (2019). Towards a deeper haplotype mining of complex traits in rice with RFGB v2.0. Plant Biotechnol J DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13215.Wang J, Meng X, Hu X, Sun T, Li J, Wang K, and Yu H (2019). xCas9 expands the scope of genome editing with reduced efficiency in rice. Plant Biotechnol J 17:709-711.Wang, J, Zhou, L, Shi, H, Chern, M, Yu, H, Yi, H, He, M, Yin, J, Zhu, X, Li, Y, Li, W, Liu, J, Wang, J, Chen, X, Qing, H, Wang, Y, Liu, G, Wang, W, Li, P, Wu, X, Zhu, L, Zhou, J, Ronald, P, Li, S, Li, J, and Chen, X (2018). A single transcription factor promotes both yield and immunity in rice, Science 361: 1026-1028.Wang W, Mauleon R, Hu Z, Chebotarov D, Tai S, Wu Z, Li M, Zheng T, Fuentes R, Zhang F, Mansueto L, Copettie D, Sanciangco M, Palis K, Xu J, Sun C, Fu B, Zhang H, Gao Y, Zhao X, Shen F, Wang C, Li R, Jia B, Lu J, He X, Dong Z, Xu J, Li Y, Wang M, Shi J, Li J, Zhang D, Lee S, Hu W, Poliakov A, Dubchak I, Ulat V, Borja F, Mendoza J, Ali J, Li J, Gao Q, Niu Y, Yue Z, Naredo M, Talag J, Wang X, Li J, Fang X, Yin Y, Glaszmann J, Zhang J, Li J, Hamilton R, Wing R, Ruan J, Zhang G, Wei C, Alexandrov N, McNally K, Li Z, Leung H (2018). Genomic variation in 3,010 diverse accessions of Asian cultivated rice, Nature 557, 43–49.Zhao Y, Luo L, Xu J, Xin P, Guo H, Wu J, Bai L, Wang G, Chu J, Zuo J, Yu H, Huang X, and Li J (2018). Malate transported from chloroplast to mitochondrion triggers production of ROS and PCD in Arabidopsis thaliana, Cell Res 28, 448–461.Wang W, Hu B, Yuan D, Liu Y, Che R, Hu Y, Ou S, Liu Y, Zhang Z, Wang H, Li H, Jiang Z, Zhang Z, Gao X, Qiu Y, Meng X, Liu Y, Bai Y, Liang Y, Wang Y, Zhang L, Li L, Sodmergen, Jing H, Li J, Chu C (2018). Expression of the Nitrate Transporter Gene OsNRT1.1A/OsNPF6.3 Confers High Yield and Early Maturation in Rice, Plant Cell 30, 638–651.Wang Q, Nian J, Xie X, Yu H, Zhang J, Bai J, Dong G, Hu J, Bo B, Chen L, Xie Q, Feng J, Yang X, Peng J, Chen F, Qian Q, Li J, and Zuo J (2018). Genetic variations in ARE1 mediate grain yield by modulating nitrogen utilization in rice, Nat Commun 9, 735.Yao R, Wang L, Li Y, Chen L, Li S, Du X, Wang B, Yan J, Li J and Xie D (2018). Rice DWARF14 acts as an unconventional hormone receptor for strigolactones. J Exp Bot 69, 2355-2365.Meng X, Hu X, Liu Q, Song X, Gao C, Li J, and Wang K (2018). Robust genome editing of CRISPR-Cas9 at NAG PAMs in rice. Sci China Life Sci 61, 122-125.Lin T, Xu X, Ruan J, Liu S, Wu S, Shao X, Wang X, Gan L, Qin B, Yang Y, Cheng Z, Yang S, Zhang Z, Xiong G, Huang S, Yu H, Li J (2018). Genome analysis of Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin provides new insights into rubber biosynthesis, Natl Sci Rev 5, 78-87.Song X, Lu Z, Yu H, Shao G, Xiong J, Meng X, Jing Y, Liu G, Xiong G, Duan J, Yao XF, Liu CM, Li H, Wang Y, and Li J (2017). IPA1 functions as a downstream transcription factor repressed by D53 in strigolactone signaling in rice. Cell Res 27, 1128-1141.Meng X, Yu H, Zhang Y, Zhuang F, Song X, Gao S, Gao C, and Li J (2017). Construction of a Genome-Wide Mutant Library in Rice Using CRISPR/Cas9. Mol Plant 10, 1238-1241.Ma H, Duan J, Ke J, He Y, Gu X, Xu TH, Yu H, Wang Y, Brunzelle JS, Jiang Y, Rothbart SB, Xu HE, Li J, and Melcher K (2017). A D53 repression motif induces oligomerization of TOPLESS corepressors and promotes assembly of a corepressor-nucleosome complex. Sci Adv 3, e1601217.Hu X, Meng X, Liu Q, Li J, and Wang K (2017). Increasing the efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9-VQR precise genome editing in rice. Plant Biotechnol J 3, e1601217.Zhang L, Yu H, Ma B, Liu G, Wang J, Wang J, Gao R, Li J, Liu J, Xu J, Zhang Y, Li Q, Huang H, Xu J, Li J, Qian Q, Han B, He Z& Li J (2017) A natural tandem array alleviates epigenetic repression of IPA1 and leads to superior yielding in rice. Nat Commun8, 14789.Zeng D, Tian Z, Rao Y, Dong G, Yang Y, Huang L, Leng Y, Xu J, Sun C, Zhang G, Hu J, Zhu L, Gao Z, Hu X, Guo L, Xiong G, Wang Y, Li J, Qian Qian (2017) Rational design of high-yield and superior-quality rice. Nat Plants 3, 17031.Wang J, Yu H, Xiong G, Lu Z, Jiao J, Meng X, Liu G, Chen X, Wang Y and Li J (2017) Tissue-specific Ubiquitination by IPA1 INTERACTING PROTEIN 1 Modulates IPA1 Protein Levels to Regulate Plant Architecture in Rice. Plant Cell 29, 697-707.Zhou H, Wang L, Liu G, Meng X, Jing Y, Shu X, Kong X, Sun J, Yu H, Smith SM, Wu D and Li J (2016) Critical roles of soluble starch synthase SSIIIa and granule-bound starch synthase Waxy in synthesizing resistant starch in rice.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA113, 12844–12849.Jia W, Li B, Li S, Liang Y, Wu X, Ma M, Wang J, Gao J, Cai Y, Zhang Y,Wang Y, Li J, Wang Y (2016) Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Cascade MKK7-MPK6 Plays an Important Role in Plant Development and Regulates Shoot Branching by Phosphorylating PIN1 in Arabidopsis. PLOS BIOL 14, e1002550.Yao R, Ming Z, Yan L, Li S, Wang F, Ma S, Yu C, Yang M, Chen L, Chen L, Li Y, Yan C, Miao D, Sun Z, Yan J, Sun Y, Wang L, Chu J, Fan S, He W, Deng H, Nan F, Li J, Rao Z, LouZand Xie D (2016) Allosteric activation of the non-canonical hormone receptor DWARF14 by strigolactone. Nature 536, 469-473.Xie T, Chen D, Wu J, Huang X, Wang Y, Tang K, Li J, Sun M, and Peng X. (2016) Growing Slowly 1 locus encodes a PLS-type PPR protein required for RNA editing and plant development in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot67, 5687-5698.Li J, Meng X, Zong Y, Chen K, Zhang H, Liu J, Li J and Gao C (2016) Gene replacement and insertions in rice by intron targeting using CRISPR/Cas9. Nat Plants 2. 16139.Huang S, Weigel D, Beachy RN, and Li J. (2016) A proposed regulatory framework for genome-edited crops. Nat Genet 48, 109-111.Ke J, Ma H, Gu X, Thelen A, Brunzelle J, Li J, Xu H, and Melcher K. (2015). Structural basis for recognition of diverse transcriptional repressors by the TOPLESS family of corepressors.Sci Adv 1, e1500107.Wang L, Wang B, Jiang L, Liu X, Li X, Lu Z, Meng X, Wang Y, Smith S, and Li J. (2015). Strigolactone Signaling in Arabidopsis Regulates Shoot Development by Targeting D53-Like SMXL Repressor Proteins for Ubiquitination and Degradation. Plant Cell27, 3128-3142.Hu J, Wang Y, Fang Y, Zeng,L, Xu J, Yu H, Shi Z, Pan J, Zhang D, Kang S, Zhu L, Dong G, Guo L, Zeng D, Zhang G, Xie L, Xiong G, Li J, and Qian Q. (2015). A Rare Allele of GS2 Enhances Grain Size and Grain Yield in Rice. Mol Plant 8, 1455-1465.Liu L, Tong H, Xiao Y, Che R, Xu F, Hu B, Liang C, Chu J, Li J, and Chu C. (2015). Activation of Big Grain1 significantly improves grain size by regulating auxin transport in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112, 11102-11107.Zhao L, Zhou X, Yi W, Wu Z, Liu Y, Kang Y, Hou L, de Waal P, Li S, Jiang Y, Scaffidi A, Flematti G, Smith S, Lam V, Griffin P, Wang Y, Li J, Melcher K, and Xu H (2015). Destabilization of strigolactone receptor DWARF14 by binding of ligand and E3-ligase signaling effector DWARF3. Cell Res 25, 1219-1236.Wang Y, Xiong G, Hu J, Jiang L, Yu H, Xu J, Fang Y, Zeng L, Xu E, Xu J, Ye W, Meng X, Liu R, Chen H, Jing Y, Wang Y, Zhu X, Li J, Qian Q. (2015) Copy number variation at the GL7 locus contributes o grain size diversity in rice. Nat Genet 47, 944-948.Yu H, and Li J (2015). Plant and animal organelles in cell death. Oncotarget 6, 13852-13853.Jing H, Yang X, Zhang J, Liu X, Zheng H, Dong G, Nian J, Feng J, Xia B, Qian Q, Li J, and Zuo, J (2015). Peptidyl-prolyl isomerization targets rice Aux/IAAs for proteasomal degradation during auxin signalling. Nat Commun 6, 7395.Wu J, Sun Y, Zhao Z,Zhang J, Luo L, Li M, Wang J, Yu H, Liu G, Yang L, Xiong G, Zhou J, Zuo J, Wang Y, Li J (2015) Deficient plastidic fatty acid synthesis triggers cell death by modulating mitochondrial reactive oxygen species. Cell Res25, 621-633.Wang B, Chu J, Yu T,Xu Q, Sun X, Yuan J, Xiong G, Wang G, Wang Yand Li J (2015) Tryptophan-independent auxin biosynthesis contributes to early embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112, 4821-4826.Lu Z, Shao G, Xiong J, Jiao Y, Wang J, Liu G,Meng X, Liang Y, Xiong G, Wang Y, and Li J (2015) MONOCULM 3, ortholog of WUSCHEL in rice,is required for tiller bud formation. J Genet Genomics 42. 71-78.Huang X, Yang S, Gong J, Zhao Y, Feng Q, Gong Hao, Li W, Zhan Q, Cheng B, Xia J, Chen N, Hao Z, Liu K, Zhu C, Huang T, Zhao Q, Zhang L, Fan D, Zhou C, Lu Y, Weng Q, Wang Z, Li J & Han B (2015) Genomic analysis of hybrid rice varieties reveals numerous superior alleles that contribute to heterosis. Nat Commun 6, 6258.Sang D, Chen D, Liu G, Liang Y, Huang L, Meng X, Chu J, Sun X, Dong G, Yuan Y, Qian Q, Li J, and Wang Y. (2014). Strigolactones regulate rice tiller angle by attenuating shoot gravitropism through inhibiting auxin biosynthesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111, 11199-11204.Cardoso C, Zhang Y, Jamil M, Hepworth J, Charnikhova T, Dimkpa S, Meharg C, Wright M, Liu J, Meng X, Wang Y, Li J, McCouch S, Leyser O, Price A, Bouwmeester H and Ruyter-Spira C (2014) Natural variation of rice strigolactone biosynthesis is associated with the deletion of two MAX1 orthologs. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA111: 2379–2384.Jiang L, Liu X, Xiong G, Liu H, Chen F, Wang L, Meng X, Liu G, Yu H, Yuan Y, Yi W, Zhao L, Ma H, He Y, Wu Z, Melcher K,Qian Q, Xu H, Wang Y and Li J (2013) DWARF 53 acts as a repressor of strigolactone signaling in rice. Nature 504: 401-405.Lu Z, Yu H, Xiong G, Wang J, Jiao Y, Guifu Liu G, Jing Y, Meng X, Hu X, Qian Q, Fu X, Wang Y and Li J (2013) Genome-wide binding analysis of the transcription activator IPA1 reveals a complex network regulating rice plant architecture. Plant Cell 25: 3743-3759.Zhu Y, Guo G, Zhang Z, Liu C, Hu Q, Lam H, Cheng H, Xue Y, Li J and Li N (2013) Stable isotope metabolic labelingbased quantitative phosphorproteomic analysis of Arabidopsis mutants reveals ethyleneregulated time-dependent phosphorproteins and putative substrates of Constitutive Triple Response 1 kinase. Mol Cell Proteomics 12, 3559-3582.Jia G, Huang X, Zhi H, Zhao Y, Zhao Q, Li W, Chai Y, Yang L, Liu K, Lu H, Zhu C, Lu Y, Zhou C, Fan D, Weng Q, Guo Y, Huang T, Zhang L, Lu T, Feng Q, Hao H, Liu H, Lu P, Zhang N, Li Y, Guo E, Wang S, Wang S, Liu J, Zhang W, Chen G, Zhang B, Li W, Wang X, Li H, Zhao B, Li J, Diao X and Han B (2013) A haplotype map of genomic variations and genome-wide association studies of agronomic traits in foxtail millet (Setaria italica). Nat Genet45: 957-961.Gao Z, Zhao S, He W, Guo L, Wang J, Peng Y, Guo X, Zhang X, Rao Y, Zhang C, Dong G, Zheng F, Lu C, Hu J, Zhou Q, Liu H,Hu X, Xu J, Zeng D, Liu D, Tian P, Gong L, Li Y, Zhang G, Wang J, Tian F, Xue D, Liao Y, Chen M, Li J, Cheng S, Zhang G, WangJ, Qian Q (2013) Uncovering yield-associated loci in super-hybrid rice by resequencing recombinant inbred lines while improving its parental genome sequences. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA110: 14492-14497.Liu L, Shang-Guan K, Zhang B, Liu X, Yan M, Lanjun Zhang L, Shi Y, Zhang M, Qian Q, Li J and Zhou Y (2013) Brittle Culm1, a COBRA-Like Protein, Functions in Cellulose Assembly through Binding Cellulose Microfibrils. PLoS Genet 9: e1003704.Zhao L, Zhou X, Wu Z, Yi W, Xu Y, Li S, Xu T, Liu Y, Chen R, Kovach A, Kang Y, Hou L, He Y, Xie C, Song W, Zhong D, Xu Y, Wang Y, Li J, Zhang C, Melcher K and Xu H (2013) Crystal structures of two phytohormone signal-transducing α/β hydrolases: karrikin-signaling KAI2 and strigolactonesignaling DWARF14.Cell Res23:436-439.Chen L, Xiong G, Cui X, Yan Y, Xu T, Qian Q, Xue Y, Li J and Wang Y (2013) OsGRAS19 may be a novel component involved in the brassinosteroid signaling pathway in rice. Mol Plant6: 988-991.Zhang X, Wang J, Huang J, Lan H, Wang C, Yin C, Wu Y, Tang H, Qian Q, Li J, and Zhang H (2012) Rare allele of OsPPKL1 associated with grain length causes extra-large grain and a significant yield increase in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA109: 21534-21539.Huang X, Kurata N, Wei X, Wang Z, Wang A, Zhao Q, Zhao Y, Lu H, Li W, Guo Y, Lu Y, Liu K, Zhou C, Fan D, Weng Q, Zhu C, Huang T, Zhang L, Wang Y, Feng L, Furuumi H, Kubo T, Miyabayashi T, Yuan X, Xu Q, Dong G, Zhan Q, Li C, Fujiyama A, Toyoda A, Lu T, Feng Q, Qian Q, Li J and Han B (2012) A map of rice genome variation reveals the origin of cultivated rice and domestication-associated genes. Nature 490: 497-502.Xu C, Wang Y, Yu Y, Duan J, Liao L, Xiong G, Meng X, Liu G,Qian Q and Li J (2012) Degradation of MONOCULM 1 (MOC1) by APC/CTAD1 regulates rice tillering. Nat Commun DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1743.Huang X, Zhao Y, Wei X, Li C, Wang A, Zhao Q, Li W, Guo Y, Deng L, Zhu C, Fan D, Lu Y, Weng Q, Liu K, Zhou T, Jing Y, Si L, Dong G, Huang T, Lu T, Feng Q, Qian Q, Li J and Han B (2012) Genome-wide association study of flowering time and grain yield traits in a worldwide collection of rice germplasm Nat Genet 44: 32-39.Huang X, Wei X, Sang T, Zhao Q, Feng Q, Zhao Y, Li C, Zhu C, Lu T, Zhang Z, Li M, Fan D, Guo Y, Wang A, Wang L, Deng L, Li W, Lu Y, Weng Q, Liu K, Huang T, Zhou T, Jing Y, Li W, Lin Z, Bucker ES, Qian Q, Zhang Q, Li J and Han B (2010) Genome-wide association studies of 14 agronomic traits in rice landraces. Nat Genet 42: 961-967.Jiao Y, Wang Y, Xue D, Wang J, Yan M, Liu G, Dong G, Zeng D, Lu Z, Zhu X, Qian Q and Li J (2010) Regulation of OsSPL14by OsmiR156 defines ideal plant architecture in rice. Nat Genet 42, 541-544.Cui X, Ge C, Wang R, Wang H, Chen W, Fu Z, Jiang X, Li J, Wang Y (2010) The BUD2 mutation affects plant architecture through altering response to cytokinin and auxin in Arabidopsis. Cell Res 20: 576-586.Melcher K, Ng LM, Zhou X, Soon FF, Xu Y, Suino-Powell KM, Park SY, Weiner JJ, Fujii H, Chinnusamy V, Kovach A, Li J, Wang Y, Li J, Peterson FC, Jensen DR, Yong EL, Volkman BF, Cutler SR, Zhu J, and Xu E (2009). A gate-latch-lock mechanism for hormone signalling by abscisic acid receptors. Nature 462:602-608.Wang H, Zhu Y, Fujioka S, Asami T, Li J, and Li J (2009). Regulation of Arabidopsis brassinosteroid signaling by atypical basic helix-loop-helix proteins. Plant Cell 21: 3781-3791.Lin H, Wang R, Qian Q, Yan M, Meng X, Fu Z, Yan C, Jiang B, Su Z, Li J, and Wang Y (2009). DWARF27, an iron-containing protein required for the biosynthesis of strigolactones, regulates rice tiller bud outgrowth. Plant Cell 21:1512-1525.Huang X, QianQ, Liu Z, Sun H, He S, Luo D, Xia G, Chu C, Li J, and Fu X. (2009) Natural variation at the DEP1 locus enhances grain yield in rice. Nat Genet 41:494-497.Li S, Qian Q, Fu Z, Zeng D, Meng X, Kyozuka J, Maekawa M, Zhu X, Zhang J, Li J and Wang Y (2009) Short panicle1 encodes a putative PTR transporter and determines rice panicle size. Plant J58:592-605.Zhou Y, Li S, Qian Q, Zeng D, Zhang M, Guo L, Liu XL, Zhang B, Deng L, Liu XF, Luo G, Wang X and Li J (2009) BC10, a DUF266-containing and golgi-located type II membrane protein, is required for cell wall biosynthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.)Plant J57: 446-462.Tian Z, Qian Q, Liu Q, Yan M, Liu X, Yan C, Liu G, Gao Z, Tang S, Zeng D, Wang Y, Yu J, Gu M and Li J (2009) Allelic diversities in rice starch biosynthesis lead to a diverse array of rice eating and cooking qualities. 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Curr Opin Plant Biol 21C, 23-29.Zuo J, and Li J (2014). Molecular genetic dissection of quantitative trait loci regulating rice grain size. Annu Rev Genet 48, 99-118.Zuo J and Li J (2013) Molecular Dissection of Complex Agronomic Traits of Rice: A Team Effort by Chinese Scientists in Recent Years. National Sci Rev doi:10.1093/nsr/nwt004.Li J and Chua N-H (2011) A comprehensive understanding of plant growth and development. Curr Opin Plant Biol14: 1-3.Wang Y and Li J (2011) Branching in rice. Curr Opin Plant Biol 14: 94-99.Wang Y and Li J (2008). Rice, rising. Nat Genet 40, 1273-1275.Wang Y and Li J (2008). Molecular basis of plant architecture. Annu Rev Plant Biol 59:253-279.Han B, Xue Y, Li J, Deng X, and Zhang Q (2007) Rice functional genomics research in China. Phil Trans R Soc B 362: 1009–102.Wang Y and Li J (2006) Genes controlling plant architecture. Curr Opin Biotech17: 123-129.Wang Y, Xue Y and Li J (2005) Towards molecular breeding and improvement of rice in China. Trends Plant Sci10: 610-614.C. Selected Invited Book ChaptersLi J, Meng X, Li J, and Gao C (2019). Gene replacement by intron targeting with CRISPR-Cas9.Methods Mol Biol 1917, pp. 285-296.Bai S, Smith SM, and Li J (2018). Rice Plant Architecture: Molecular Basis and Application in Breeding. In: Rice Genomics, Genetics and Breeding(Sasaki T, Ashikari M), Springer Singapore, pp. 129-154.Li J, Li C, and Smith SM, eds (2017). Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants. London, United Kingdom: ELSEVIER Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-811562-6.Smith SM, Li C, Li J (2017). Hormone function in plants. In: Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants (Li J, Li C, Smith SM), Academic Press Elsevier (London UK), pp, 1-38.Wang B, Wang Y, Li J (2017). Strigolactones. In: Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants (Li J, Li C, Smith SM) Academic Press Elsevier (London UK), pp. 327-359.Jiang Z, Li J, Qu L (2017). Auxins. In: Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants (Li J, Li C, Smith SM) Academic Press Elsevier (London UK), pp. 39-76.Xiong G, Wang Y, Li J (2014) Action of strigolactones in plant. In The Enzymes. Vol 35Signaling Pathways in Plants. (Machida Y, Lin C, Tamanoi F, Eds), Elsevier, pp. 57-84.Sang T and Li J (2013) Molecular genetic basis of the domestication syndrome in cereals. InCereal Genomics-II(Gupta PK, Varshney RK, eds), Springer Science pp. 319-340.Yu Y, Wing RA and Li J (2013) Understanding genetic molecular basis of rice grain quality. In Genetics and Genomics of Rice(Zhang Q and Wing RA, eds), Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London, pp. 237-254.Wang Y and Li J (2012) Regulation of plant architecture. In Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology (Chen X, Xue H, eds), Higher Education Press, Beijing, pp. 418-432.Wang Y, Chen M and Li J (2007) Rice. InBiotechnology in Agriculture and ForestryVol. 59 Transgenic Crops IV (E.C. Pua and M.R.Davey, eds), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 35-54.审定品种A. 国家审定品种中科发5号,国审稻20180077,国家农作物品种审定委员中科发6号,国审稻20180071,国家农作物品种审定委员嘉优中科6号,国审稻20170063,国家农作物品种审定委员中科804,国审稻20170080,国家农作物品种审定委员会嘉禾优7245,国审稻20170064,国家农作物品种审定委员会广两优7217,国审稻2016039,国家农作物品种审定委员会广两优7203,国审稻2014032,国家农作物品种审定委员会天优华占,国审稻2012001,国家农作物品种审定委员会B. 省市审定品种嘉优中科10号,赣审稻20180019,江西农作物品种审定委员会嘉优中科13-1,浙审稻2018016,浙江农作物品种审定委员会安粳优1号,浙审稻2018021,浙江农作物品种审定委员会嘉优中科1号,沪审稻2016004,上海农作物品种审定委员会嘉优中科2号,赣审稻2016012,江西农作物品种审定委员会嘉优中科3号,浙审稻2016014,浙江农作物品种审定委员会广两优7217,赣审稻2015043,江西农作物品种审定委员会中龙粳1号,黑审稻2013010,黑龙江农作物品种审定委员会广两优7203,浙审稻2013012,浙江农作物品种审定委员会嘉58,浙审稻2013011,浙江农作物品种审定委员会嘉优6号,浙审稻2012015,浙江农作物品种审定委员会中龙香粳1号,黑审稻2012015,黑龙江农作物品种审定委员会天优华占,鄂审稻2011006,湖北农作物品种审定委员会天优华占,粤审稻2011036,广州农作物品种审定委员会浙辐两优12,浙审稻2009012,浙江农作物品种审定委员会授权专利A. 国际专利Philippines 1-2012501831, Protein IPA1 related to plant architecture, its coding genes and uses. J. Li, Q. Qian, Y. Wang, Y. Jiao,D. Xue, G. Liu, J. Wang, G. Dong.US 9,309,527 B2, Protein IPA1 related to plant architecture, its coding genes and uses. J. Li, Q. Qian, Y. Wang, Y. Jiao,D. Xue, G. Liu, J. Wang, G. Dong.B. 国内专利ZL201010146613.8 与植物株型相关的蛋白IPA1及其编码基因与应用 发明人:李家洋,钱前,王永红,矫永庆,薛大伟,刘贵富,王静,董国军ZL201010231207.1 水稻稻米胶稠度调控基因分子标记及其应用发明人:李家洋,顾铭洪,钱前,田志喜,刘巧泉,严长杰,刘贵富,王永红ZL201010231209.0 水稻稻米直链淀粉含量调控基因分子标记及其应用发明人:李家洋,顾铭洪,钱前,田志喜,刘巧泉,严长杰,刘贵富,王永红ZL201010231187.8 水稻稻米糊化温度调控基因分子标记及其应用发明人:李家洋,顾铭洪,钱前,田志喜,刘巧泉,严长杰,刘贵富,王永红ZL200910083935.X 一种水稻分蘖相关蛋白及其编码基因与应用发明人:李家洋,钱前,王永红,林浩,王仁晓,孟祥兵ZL200910077629.5水稻茎秆机械强度控制基因BC10及其应用 发明人:李家洋,周奕华,钱前ZL200510088978.9水稻胚乳直链淀粉含量控制基因DU1及其应用 发明人:李家洋,钱前,曾大力,田志喜,周奕华ZL200510006770.8, 水稻胚乳甜质控制基因SU1及其应用 发明人:李家洋,钱前,曾大力,周奕华ZL200410096425.3 水稻籼粳分类控制基因PHR1及其应用 发明人:李家洋,钱前,于彦春,曾大力,周奕华ZL03132810.5 水稻稻米糊化温度主效控制基因ALK及其应用 发明人:李家洋,钱前,高振宇,周奕华ZL02144344.0 拟南芥BUD1基因及其应用 发明人:李家洋,戴亚,王晓群,周奕华ZL02129196.9 水稻分蘖控制基因MOC1及其应用 发明人:李家洋,钱前,李学勇,曾大力ZL02131417.9 水稻脆秆控制基因BC1及其应用 发明人:李家洋,钱前,李云海,曾大力