1. Xu Jianxun, Shingaya Yoshitaka, Tomimoto Hiroyuki, Kubo Osamu, Nakayama Tomonobu
“Irreversible and reversible structural deformation and electromechanical behavior of carbon nanohorns probed by conductive AFM”
Small, 2011, 7, 1169.
2. Xu Jianxun,* Tomimoto Hiroyuki, Nakayama Tomonobu
“What is inside carbon nanohorn aggregates?”
Carbon, 2011, 49, 2074. (通讯联系人)
3. Xu Jianxun,* Zhang Minfang, Maki Nakamura, Iijima Sumio, Yudasaka Masako
“Double Oxidation with Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide for Hole-Forming in Single Wall Carbon Nanohorns”
Appl. Phys. A, 2010, 100, 379. (通讯联系人)
4. Xu Jianxun,* Zhang Minfang, Yudasaka Masako, Iijima Sumio
“Appropriate PEG compounds for dispersion of single wall carbon nanohorns in salted aqueous solution”
Appl. Phys. A, 2010, 99, 15. (通讯联系人)
5. Xu Jianxun, * Yudasa Masako, Zhang Mingfan, Iijima Sumio
“Streptavidin Modified Sing Wall Carbon Nanohorn for Effective Delivery of Hydrophobic Drugs”, In preparation.
6. Xu Jianxun,* Yudasaka Masako, Kouraba Sachio, Sekido Mitsuru, Yamamoto Yuhei and Iijima Sumio
“Single Wall Carbon Nanohorn as a Drug Carrier for Controlled Release”
Chem. Phys. Lett., 2008, 461, 189 (Editor’s Choice). (通讯联系人)
7. Koyanagi Gregory, Xu Jianxun, Bohme Diethard
“Packing atomic metal cations with C60: Mass spectrometric observation of M+(C60)n with M = Sr and Mo and n = 0–4”
Chem. Phys. Lett., 2008, 450, 228
8. Xu Jianxun, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Hao Ce, Shi Zujin, Takatsugu Wakahara, Mi Weihong, Gu Zhengnan, Takeshi Akasaka
“Structure determination of a missing-caged metallofullerene: Yb@C74 (II) and the dynamic motion of the encaged ytterbium ion”
Chem. Phys. Lett., 2006, 419, 44
9. Xu Jianxun, Li Meixian, Shi Zujin, Gu Zhennan
“Electrochemical Survey: The Effect of the Cage Size and Structure on the Electronic Structures of a Series of Ytterbium Metallofullerenes”
Chemistry-A European Journal, 2006, 12, 562
10. Zhang Ya, Xu Jianxun, Hao Ce, Shi Zujin, Gu Zhennan
“Synthesis, isolation, spectroscopic and electrochemical characterization of some calcium-containing metallofullerenes”
Carbon, 2006, 44, 475.
11. Xu Jianxun, Wang Zhiyong, Shi Zujin, Gu Zhennan
“Synthesis, isolation and spectroscopic characterization of Yb-containing high metallofullerenes”
Chem. Phys. Lett., 2005, 409, 192
12. Xu Jianxun, Lu Xing, Zhou Xihuang, He Xiaoran, Shi Zujin, Gu Zhennan
“Synthesis, Isolation, and Spectroscopic Characterization of Ytterbium-Containing Metallofullerenes”
Chem. Mater., 2004, 16, 2959
13. Lu Xing, Xu Jianxun, He Xiaoran, Shi Zujin, Gu Zhennan
“Addition of Benzyne to Gd@C82”
Chem. Mater., 2004, 16, 953
14. 卢兴, 徐建勋, 施祖进, 孙宝云, 顾镇南, 刘洪东, 韩鸿宾
“ 新型核磁成像对比剂──两种Gd@C82水溶性衍生物的弛豫性能研究”
高等学校化学学报, 2004, 4, 697
15. 冯莱, 徐建勋, 施祖进, 贺晓然, 顾镇南
高等学校化学学报, 2002, 6, 996